additional Resources
City of LA Informational Items:
Executive Directive No. 25 - Take a look at Mayor Eric Garcetti’s 25th Executive Directive, L.A.’s Green New Deal: Leading By Example.
L.A.’s Green New Deal - Sustainability Plan 2019 - Learn more about the City’s effort to protect the environment and fight climate change.
LA Metro Programs
Metro Bike Share Program - Metro Bike Share monthly pass for $5/month.
LA Metro Ridematch - Find a rideshare match through LA Metro.
Instructions: How to Register and Track Your Trips on LA Metro Ridematch
Metro Micro - On-demand rideshare service in LA County for short trips and uses small vehicles to extend the offering of public transit areas.
Environmental Agencies and Transportation Demand Management Organizations
South Coast Air Quality Management District (AQMD) - The AQMD adopts policies and regulations to promote clean air within its four-county area. Federal and state law require that South Coast AQMD achieve clean air standards to protect public health.
California Clean Air Day - California Clean Air Day is built on the idea that shared experiences unite people to action to improve community health. By joining together for a unified day of action we can create new habits to clear the air for all members of California’s diverse communities. Take the pledge every year to commit to do your part to clear the air, through actions big and small.
Association for Commuter Transportation (ACT) - The ACT is an international association and leading advocate for commuter transportation and transportation demand management (TDM). Commuting by bus, train, rideshare, bike, walk, or telework improves our world by contributing to energy independence, better air quality, livability, mobility, and reduced congestion. Through advocacy, education, and networking efforts, ACT strives to improve the lives of commuters, the livability of communities, and the economic growth of businesses.
Transportation Agencies
Please visit the following websites for additional information about transit options close to you.
AQMD videos
Check out AQMD’s documentary on the serious health effects of Southern California’s air pollution
Check out AQMD video on the health impacts of air pollution.