vanpool program
Vanpool Program
A vanpool is a group of 4 to 12 people sharing commuting together in a City-provided vehicle at least three times each week. Vanpools allow groups of employees traveling to and from similar locations to share their transportation costs and driving burdens. They also allow their participants to use express lanes and carpool lanes (and avoid expressway tolls) and thus take speedier routes to work.
The COMMUTEwell Vanpool Program helps to facilitate the vanpool formation process. Vanpool members pay a fee based on the length of their commute, and fuel costs are paid by the City. Certain additional privileges are provided to regular vanpool drivers. Vanpoolers save hundreds of dollars each year in fuel, insurance, and depreciation costs by not driving their personal vehicles to work each day. The program now offers minivans for smaller vanpool groups. Minivans are a great option for those with 4-7 people who might not feel comfortable driving one of the typical larger vans. Just complete the vanpool startup form and request a minivan!
To learn more about how to join or start a vanpool, please click here.
Additional Vanpool Resources
Vanpool Accident Forms
Additionally, groups of four or more employees can also form or participate in vans independent of the City’s program by going directly to the LA Metro Vanpool Program website.