Parking for city employees
COMMUTEwell coordinates employee parking at various City owned and leased lots near City work sites. The cost of parking varies by type of permit. Permit availability is subject to space availability and meeting all program terms and conditions.
Parking permit fees are deducted from employee paychecks on a pre-tax basis. Parking availability is based on work location and parking permit priorities and conditions as described in the City’s Special Memorandum of Understanding regarding City Employee Parking and Commute Options (Special Parking + Commute Options MOU). Please refer to the Special Parking MOU for additional information on parking permit priority and the conditions that apply to parking.
At many City work sites, demand for parking far exceeds the number of available spaces. The Special Parking MOU describes the order in which parking permits must be issued. The Special Parking MOU provides priority parking to the following, in order:
Elected Officials
Disabled Employees
City Fleet & Home-Garaged Vehicles
Mileage Vehicles
Parking is then provided on a space-available basis for the remaining categories in the following order:
Mayor and City Council Staff
Upper Management - Employees whose class starting salary equals that of the starting salary of a Senior Management Analyst II or above.
Vanpools - City-administered vans overseen by the COMUTEwell Program.
Carpools - Carpools are vehicles with two or more City employees traveling to and from the same general geographic area.
Seniority - Permits for employees who do not qualify for other categories may be granted seniority permits that are issued according to continuous service to the City. The COMMUTEwell Program may issue a number of permits in excess of the capacity of a given lot in order to maximize usage of the lot. If this practice results in capacity constraints at a given parking location, the EBD may rescind permits in reverse order of seniority.
To request a parking permit for the first six categories, please contact us at or (213) 978-1634. To request seniority parking, please complete the seniority waitlist form.
Should you qualify for parking, COMMUTEwell staff will contact you via email. Otherwise, you will be placed on a waitlist for the lot and permit type you requested*.
Mileage Employee Parking
Misc. Parking Information
Listing of Parking in LA (Public Parking Lots - The City does not manage these lots for employee parking)