bike/walk to work
Many City employees bike or walk to work. If you reside within biking or walking distance of your worksite, this can be a great way to beat the traffic and get your daily workout. Biking and/or walking to work provides the health benefits of regular exercise, is cost effective, and helps promote a clean air environment.
COMMUTEwell provides a “$5 per day” bike/walk subsidy up to $100 per month to individuals who commute from home to work via bicycling or walking to City worksites and meet additional program requirements. Certain City facilities provide showers and lockers for those biking to work. To determine locker availability, call (213) 978-1593.
Biking to Work
Worldwide, there are more cyclists than motorists - and bicycling is often more practical than commuting to work by car. If you live close enough to your worksite, riding a bike will save you money and time without all the frustrations of sitting in traffic.
If you live too far to bike to work, you may still be able to use your bicycle to complete your commuter trip. Many Park & Ride lots have bicycle lockers set up for this purpose.
Bicycling is also a great way to exercise, particularly for those who can't find the time in their busy schedules to make it to the gym.
Bicycle commuting can be twice as fun with a buddy. Often two or three cyclists living near one another will meet at a central location and form a "bike-pool," traveling together single file along the same route to work. Riding with another bike commuter can make your trip a friendlier and safer one.
Secure Storage
Many L.A. City worksites now offer bicycle lockers. These sites include:
City Hall (NEW! Bike cage, lockers, and shower facility)
Piper Technical Center
West L.A. Civic Center
Van Nuys Civic Center
LAPD (Harbor, Devonshire, & Pacific Divisions)
Other sites may have bicycle racks. If your work location has neither, check with your supervisor about the possibility of parking your bike somewhere in the office or building. You should also check with your department’s Employee Transportation Coordinator to learn about racks or lockers near your work location. Wherever you store your bicycle, make sure that you secure it with a high-quality chain or lock.
Learn more about biking to work or access forms through the following links:
Walking to Work
Walking is a great way to get to work and avoid traffic. There are personal benefits, too. Regular walking can:
Increase your energy and your resistance to fatigue
Tone your muscles
Relieve stress and tension by helping you relax
As with carpooling and bike-pooling, walking with someone else can make the commute more enjoyable. Perhaps one of your neighbors who works close to you would like to join you one or several days a week.
Learn more about walking to work or access forms through the following links:
Bike/Walk Subsidy Reimbursement Request Form (Updated 2024 Version)
Locker Rooms
Many City departments have locker rooms that are available to their own employees. Walkers and bicyclists should check with their individual departments regarding the use of locker rooms.