The parking waitlists below can you give an idea of your current position on the waitlist for the parking lot you have requested. To maintain employee privacy, we have assigned each waitlist request a unique Tracking Number. We will email you a Tracking Number only after COMMUTEwell staff review your request, verify your eligibility for parking, and confirm your seniority date.
In your web browser you can search the page for your Tracking Number (Control + F on Windows, Command + F on macOS).
Further, please note that because the parking waitlist is based on seniority, your position on the list will change if someone with greater seniority requests a permit for the lot. Changes to the below list may also occur due to employment changes; all information on this page is subject to change without notice.
The COMMUTEwell Program administers the seniority parking waitlists in accordance with the Special MOU on Parking.