carpool program
Carpool Program
Carpools offer many of the same advantages of vanpools by allowing participants to share costs and driving burdens, as well as use express lanes. Carpools may also provide additional flexibility in that only a few schedules are being coordinated, so there may be greater flexibility for departure times.
Carpool members who meet certain requirements are also able to receive priority consideration for parking permits, which can be extremely valuable if you work at a location with limited parking. To find a potential carpool match, you can visit the LA Metro RideMatch website, provide certain information to their RideMatch service, and receive information about potential carpool matches.
A carpool must meet the following commuting requirements:
(a) A carpool must consist of at least two (2) City employees. Additional members may be non-City employees, however, should one of the City employees leave the carpool, the carpool is no longer eligible for a permit. Children do not qualify as carpool members. A carpool may not exceed six (6) members; and,
(b) Members must come from the same geographic area or along a logical travel-to-work corridor whose destinations are at or near the same work locations; and,
(c) Members must travel together for the majority (50%) of the total trip distance. In addition, members must ride together to and from work a majority of their work week, and their work schedules, including start and end times must be compatible with the travel.
Learn more about the Carpool Program through the following links: